Thanks for the tag in the post. Once again powerful and sobering words, and I really appreciate the breadth of knowledge you bring to discussing cancer. I always learn something. (Though I might not necessarily like it!)

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Stacy, I’m in tears over here in Santa Monica, where my daughter and I have healthcare and where I don’t have to choose between seeing a doctor and being able to buy groceries (for now). Thank you for spreading the word. I feel such sadness and rage and desperation and I just can’t believe this is where we are in 2024. And I really hope and pray it’s about to get better, not worse.

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Good grief - the Alabama HPV vaccine rates are dreadful. The couple patients I've had with cervical cancer were quite tragic and suffered terribly Thank you for this eye opening post, and as I might have said before, it's good to think of this vaccine for adults as well as children.

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This is so deeply sad and infuriating. And of course ongoing restrictive legislation against reproductive healthcare in deep red states will only accelerate the loss of practicing OBGYN’s. Why practice someplace where you might have to choose between criminal charges for terminating a pregnancy and treating someone bleeding out from a spontaneous abortion in progress? “Protecting” women and babies my foot.

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