In 1958, Bernie Fisher participated in the first randomized clinical trial in patients with breast cancer. The trial was a disaster, leading most surgeons to abandon the idea of using chemotherapy to cure more patients. Bernie, however, noticed something different. This put him on a path that would change the course of cancer treatment forever.

Keep Reading:
The true, tall tale of Paul de Kruif and his famous book.
See the moon crater named after Dr. Ehrlich here.
For more interviews with cancer researchers, check out the Cancer History Project.
Dr. Ehrlich’s Magic Bullet. Warner Brothers Pictures. Released February 1940.
Babe Ruth - Safe at Home. Warner Pathe News. August 1948.
Medicine - Teropterin. Time. December 15, 1947
Pioneers of Surgery. NOVA. British Broadcasting Corporation. September 1988.
For those who made it to the end…
New York Times bestselling author
advocates for increasing diversity in the National Marrow Donor Program (formerly Be The Match) and is currently undergoing treatment for relapsed leukemia.
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